what affect distance of two way radio | Yantonradio.com
Two-way radio has been widely used in military,public security, rescue, and other government departments.With the development of economy,there is more demanding of mobile communication, two way radio gradually used in taxi, security,estate management, construction sites,hotels, logistics etc.Today we are going to talk about the factors which affect the talking distance. What affect distance of two way radio? Talking distanc e is an important index. But in the wireless communication, there is no concept of Distance, ultra-short wave communication affected by many factors while in use. For the people who first know walkie talkie, they have to know more about the factors which affect the distance, then they will have a knowledge of the talking distance. This article will give some tips for you all. Factors Internal factors There are many factors that can affect the talking distance, including internal and external factors. The radio itself can affect the talking distance, now...